About Alfa Laval
How to store renewable energy with Malta solution
The new energy storage solution has the potential to revolutionize the future of grid-scale energy storage. The system (with specially-designed heat exchangers from Alfa Laval) can store energy from renewable sources such as sun and wind for hours or days, waiting until a time of high demand and then releasing the power back to grid. This could solve numerous challenges to the mainstream adoption of renewable energy. Curious about how it works?... https://www.alfalaval.com/media/stories/renewable-energies/the-new-power-couple/
The new energy storage solution has the potential to revolutionize the future of grid-scale energy storage. The system (with specially-designed heat exchangers from Alfa Laval) can store energy from renewable sources such as sun and wind for hours or days, waiting until a time of high demand and then releasing the power back to grid. This could solve numerous challenges to the mainstream adoption of renewable energy. Curious about how it works?... https://www.alfalaval.com/media/stories/renewable-energies/the-new-power-couple/